Category Archives: databases

CLUES workstations for access to library resources

You wrote:

My suggestion is that there be a permanent guest past or net name for library use and academic research in the library and online especially during holidays. It would really be a convenience not to have to get the consent daily for use of facilities. I hope my request is given strong consideration….

Thank you for your email.  All databases, e-journals and e-books that are part of our collection are accessible on our “CLUES” workstations.  No login required.  CLUES workstations are available in both libraries on all the floors. 

Search for the resource’s title in CLUES and follow the links from there.

Trouble getting into the system

You wrote:  

How come I can’t get in to the system? I type my name and bar code and get told it is invalid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

I’m sorry to hear that you cannot get into the system.  What are you trying to access?  A database?  A journal article?  An e-book?

At first glance, it sounds to me like you need assistance with your barcode and PIN.  Information on library PIN is available on this page:  

If you are working off-campus, you may also like to consider downloading the VPN software onto your computer.  Information on how to do that is available at:  

If you are trying to accesss the wireless network in the library, find out how to set up your laptop at:   

Or perhaps you are trying to access one of the library’s computers?  Your portal netname and password should let you in.  If you need to re-set your MyConcordia password, you can do so at:  

 Finally, if none of these pages are helpful, do not hesitate to “ask a librarian” for help.  You can contact us via chat, email, telephone and face-to-face.  Contact information is available at: 

Good luck!

Newspapers via Press Display

You wrote:

After recently studying at McGill I came to realize that they have a wonderful database called Library Press Display which gives a massive selection of newspapers from all around the world. Taking a media class I found this site very useful and was very disappointed to find out that Concordia does not have it.

As Concordia has a limited selection of print newspapers this website could be used to compensate. It would be useful to all students who either need to do projects within communications or for those who just plainly wish to read the news from different papers! The format in which the search engine was organized was quite impressive and very useful to my studies. Thank you for your consideration!

Press Display is definitely a useful database, and one we would consider adding to our news databases should finances allow in the future. In the meantime, however, note that any Québec resident can access this resource via the Bibliothèque et Archives Nationale du Québec (BANQ).  You simply need to fill out the form for subscription to remote services and once you obtain the appropriate username and password, you can access Press Display via the BANQ’s online resources page.  Please feel  free to use one of our Ask a Librarian  services if you need more information or instructions.

Logging In and Out

You wrote:

Dear Library,
Maybe I have not found the button for sign-out yet, but I think since we have to enter our ID barcode (long list of numbers) and a password, for security we should have a sign-out or log-out function so we can exit at any stage of the library search. Thank you.

Thank you for your comment. If you are logged into MyCLUES on the library site, you can log out by clicking on the “log out” button.

In EBSCO databases such as Academic Search Premier and PsycINFO, clicking on “Concordia Univ Library” will bring you back to the library website. Another option is to simply close your browser.

If you are using databases from CSA, such as Sociological Abstracts or Communication Abstracts, there is a tiny “logout” near the top left of the screen, just under the logo. Again, you can also just close your browser window.

Look for options like “logout”  or “exit” or try closing your browser when you have finished searching in a database.